Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education

In response to COVID-19, various educational support programs for continuing learning are spreading worldwide. EdX, one of the global Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) providers, has launched several support programs with member institutions, including Kyoto University, to provide students around the world with opportunities to continue learning.

One of the edX’s educational support programs, “Remote Access Program,” provides free access to online courses of around 60 participating institutions for their students, faculty members, and staff for free. Kyoto University’s students can take their MOOCs and upgrade to the Verified Track for completion of the certificate until June 30 (excluding some degree programs).

Besides, Kyoto University has participated in another support program, “Open Remote Access Program,” which offers edX courses to students other than edX affiliate institutions for free. Such students include who couldn’t have learning opportunities or whose study abroad was postponed due to travel restrictions. Kyoto University will keep on contributing to the provision of learning opportunities using MOOCs for students around the world.

KyotoUx team, Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education
