ResourcesKyotoUx Course Catalogs, Posters and Trailers/Flyers of Each Course

KyotoUx Course Catalogs

kyotoux-course-catalog2018 kyotoux-course-catalog2017
(Produced in 2018) (Produced in 2017)
Higher quality version (75 MB) is available here.

KyotoUx Posters

KyotoUx_2018.png KyotoUx_2016.png KyotoUx_2015.png
(Produced in 2019) (Produced in 2016) (Produced in 2015)

Trailers of Each Course

KyotoUx 012x KyotoUx 011x KyotoUx 010x
KyotoUx 009x KyotoUx 008x KyotoUx 007x
KyotoUx 006x KyotoUx 005x KyotoUx 003x
KyotoUx 001x KyotoUx 000x

Flyers of Each Course

* Click thumbnails below to download the PDF data.

KyotoUx_012x.png KyotoUx_011xpng KyotoUx_010x.png
(Produced in 2019) (Produced in 2020) (Produced in 2020)
KyotoUx_009x.png KyotoUx_008x.png KyotoUx_007x.png
(Produced in 2019) (Produced in 2019) (Produced in 2020)
KyotoUx_006x.png KyotoUx_005x.png KyotoUx_003x.png
(Produced in 2019) (Produced in 2020) (Produced in 2019)
KyotoUx_001x.png KyotoUx_000x.png
(Produced in 2019) (Produced in 2019)